25 Jan 2009

OBAMA teams up with... spidey?

Has there been a cooler president?

this week held homage to the inauguration of Barrack Obama and to many in the world the mans a superhero, and here he is now next to another hero: spidey. As well as his own Graphic novel biography; Presidential Material:BARACK OBAMA.

The American public’s hunger for seeing their new President in comic books apparently knows no bounds.

Both Marvel and IDW have announced that their respective comics with Obama in them (Amazing Spider-Man #583 and Presidential Material: Barack Obama, respectively) are going back to the printer. Amazing Spider-Man #583, which received huge national attention has sold thorugh three print runs worth of issues in three weeks, while the IDW Obama biography has been on sale in comics shops since before the election, and was paired with an issue that focused on John McCain – the latter still in its first printing. “For some reason, the John McCain comic hasn't sold quite as well,” IDW Publisher Chris Ryall noted on his blog.

What a G! and he's still yet to appear in marvel's Thunderbolts #128

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