23 Jan 2009

the first should be fresh...

tiger uppercut, hadouken and a whole lot'a memories.

no matter who you are, i wouldn't believe you if you were to tell me you dont know street fighter.
Whether back in the day your weekends were spent mindlessly over a sega mega drive or watching your best mate play super mario on his gameboy hoping he'd let you at least touch the cartridge, street fighter would have at some point crossed your travels.
Possibly the most favourable fighting game of all time is back and its ready to give selflessly to all the new, young fans as well as keeping all the oldies from leaving for work in the morning.
With a release date for 20/02/09 on 360 and PS3 this game is sure to bring us all back to those times we soooo enjoyed.

*i know who im picking... neither of these two*

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