27 Jan 2009

Ya makin' me laff!

Fookin Jokes

sorry but this is just proper funny fat humour that cant be denied - Courtesy of the Power man.

25 Jan 2009

OBAMA teams up with... spidey?

Has there been a cooler president?

this week held homage to the inauguration of Barrack Obama and to many in the world the mans a superhero, and here he is now next to another hero: spidey. As well as his own Graphic novel biography; Presidential Material:BARACK OBAMA.

The American public’s hunger for seeing their new President in comic books apparently knows no bounds.

Both Marvel and IDW have announced that their respective comics with Obama in them (Amazing Spider-Man #583 and Presidential Material: Barack Obama, respectively) are going back to the printer. Amazing Spider-Man #583, which received huge national attention has sold thorugh three print runs worth of issues in three weeks, while the IDW Obama biography has been on sale in comics shops since before the election, and was paired with an issue that focused on John McCain – the latter still in its first printing. “For some reason, the John McCain comic hasn't sold quite as well,” IDW Publisher Chris Ryall noted on his blog.

What a G! and he's still yet to appear in marvel's Thunderbolts #128

Missed ya darlin'

Welcome back BABY

Its back! yeh yeh i know it's apparently not 'CooL' to enjoy lost, but you know what? "F&%$*"K THE SYSTEM" i like this shit and what? -Please be my friend-.

Anywho yeh Lost season 5 is finally here and although its been released over the web already its always nicer to Tape it on ya VCR and enjoy it with ya dad over some custard cremes and a cup of tea -if only-.
Many questions unanswered,
What's happened to the island?
Are the Oceanic six gonna go back?
And how are they gonna get there?
Plus will desmond come back cos i mean come on that dude is the shit, "See ya in another life BROTHER!"

Anywho here's one of the many trailers.
And if your interested a link to one of the many fan theories cept this one is *dirtily* correct. *Careful Spoilers*

Lost: A theory on Time Travel

24 Jan 2009

Im'a be big one day, you'll see!

Hollywooooood kid!

Came across this little gem of a website on my travels recently, really is summit of interest. Basically it allows you to create your own short movies over an internet browser, therefore you write the script, pick the voices, camera angles, setting and all that jizz. Try it out, its pretty neat.


*the voices crack me up*

23 Jan 2009

the first should be fresh...

tiger uppercut, hadouken and a whole lot'a memories.

no matter who you are, i wouldn't believe you if you were to tell me you dont know street fighter.
Whether back in the day your weekends were spent mindlessly over a sega mega drive or watching your best mate play super mario on his gameboy hoping he'd let you at least touch the cartridge, street fighter would have at some point crossed your travels.
Possibly the most favourable fighting game of all time is back and its ready to give selflessly to all the new, young fans as well as keeping all the oldies from leaving for work in the morning.
With a release date for 20/02/09 on 360 and PS3 this game is sure to bring us all back to those times we soooo enjoyed.

*i know who im picking... neither of these two*

Why not?

"I wanted to play around with the format, really tear it to pieces and shake it up."

A very powerful quote from 'Sir' David Hasselhoff... yes him. Wise and inspiring words for the nightrider but then again he's the same guy that based a song around the phrase "Jump in my car" so there i doubt it was him who said that.

Yeh this blog is mine - all mine, a place where i can rant, brag and hopefully draaag ur attention away from your busy lives.
So if your interested in a load of unnecessary knowledge amusing to me and most likely only me :P then please keep up the visits i'll try to entertain you during those moments you get every so often where your just not sure what the f*^% to do.

Cheers -_- Drake