25 Jul 2013

The Last of Us - The game that opened my eyes. PART II

So this is the second part of my series of posts about The Last of Us. Not too sure if this will be the last, or the second of many MORE! There is really that much to talk about... honestly. I mean it.
Ok, so I want to get a bit more specific in this post, and talk about the actual game, and so I shall sub-head this post as... (insert bongo roll)

Living in a dying world
Brilliant. I know. Hold the applause, please.

So lets talk about this EPIC environment that Naughty Dog have birthed into our visual capacity. Many of the development team have described the space that Joel and Ellie inhabit as a character in itself, and I can't  actually think of a better way of describing it really. It is exactly that.
This world will make you do things... Brutal, brutal... brutal things. This is the first game that has genuinely made me think twice about killing an enemy. Stupid right? No, because the game explicitly points out that good and evil don't really exist. Not even the infected are evil. The state of the world has forced humanity into a new existence, to become something else. Something primitive. Something deadly.

Ellie is constantly learning about the world that Joel lost. Our world.

You will gradually realise this as you play through the game. This world that you have the pleasure of inhabiting is an extremely harsh place to be, however it is equally a place of beauty. There are some real stand back and take it all in moments throughout, and Ellie plays a fundamental role to this. She opens your eyes and gives you the chance to really understand exactly where you are and what has been lost in this world.
Understand that Ellie has only ever known the world that exists in the game, and has never actually stepped outside of the quarantine zone where the main action kicks off from, therefore the smallest and simplest of things that Joel, you or I wouldn't give a second glance, Ellie is truly fascinated by.

The level of depth and detail that the development team have put into the environment is astonishing, truly astounding and very much appreciated. They have made it their aim to create a world for the player where almost everything is a point of interest.  What is most ingenious about Ellie's perspective, is that she draws you into her world and forces you to see things through her eyes. She is a lovable character anyway, but when you're making your way through the environment and suddenly notice she has stopped to check out a poster or an old arcade system, you suddenly become very aware of exactly where you are and what has happened here.

The environment if anything, is the most significant character in the entire story, she? shall we say? is why you'll want to literally just stop and take it all in. You'll find yourself twirling that joystick round and round just so you don't miss a single bit of detail... or was that just me?

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